About the Crash
The Carolina Crash was founded in 1995 as part of an overall vision of Carolinas Rehabilitation to serve the sport and recreational needs of its patients through the Adaptive Sports and Adventure Program, ASAP. Additional founding program partners include the hospital and its Foundation as well as several veteran players.
The Carolina Crash incorporated as its own non-profit in 2007. The team remains closely linked to the hospital, which still provides funding as well as recreational therapeutic staff for practices, competitive travel and equipment transportation.
The Crash is a 100% volunteer run 501(C)(3) organization and a member of the United States Wheelchair Rugby Association.

Meet the Coach
Mike Duda and wife, Marianne have played an integral part in not only the world of Carolina Crash but also the United States Wheelchair Rugby league. Mike Duda began coaching the Shepherd Rolling Thunder in 1995 then found his home with the Carolina Crash. Mike attended his first Crash practice in August of 1996. With the Carolina Crash being sponsored by the Adaptive Sports & Adventures Program (ASAP), they are often featured in quarterly newsletters released by ASAP. The next newsletter ASAP released, featured none other than Mike Duda announcing him as head coach. This is how Mike discovered he had found himself in an exciting new position of Head Coach.
Mike’s wife Marianne has been refereeing Quad Rugby since 1998. She has traveled all over the country refereeing weekend tournaments, sectionals, and nationals. The two have played a very special role, with their commitment and volunteered time - advancing the sport for the better and helping the Crash grow. Their two kids, Savannah and Mickey have also grown-up volunteering with Crash cheering them on throughout the years.